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ТОЛЬКО Спойлеры к A Memory Of Light - БЕЗ ОБСУЖДЕНИЙ!

Автор Inkor, 02 января 2013, 17:38

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Кстати появились, кое-какие интервью.

Here's most of the Q&A from last night, which I live tweeted during the event.

Q: How do you keep track of all those characters?

A: Lots of use of online resources. Also, Maria and Alan are invaluable assets for that. Brandon told a funny story about trying to figure out who was with Perrin, and Maria pulled out some notes from RJ, that had a list of every single person from the Two Rivers that came with Perrin! Brandon also said he thinks there are more than 2800 named characters throughout the entire series.

Q: Is there a character you took in a different direction from what Jordan had intended?

A: In terms of a character, and what would happen to them ultimately, no, not really. However, there were times when some things had to be adjusted, specifically some plot points, in order to make the narrative as a whole flow better. Brandon did mention that he wanted a character that he felt like was his own, which he got to do the most development on. That character became Androl. A lot of what Androl did were things which RJ said had to happen. Brandon picked Androl to do them, and gave the character his own touch more than any other.

Q: Did Brandon insert a character in the story based on himself?

A: No. He did however mention two items, one for RJ, one for him. In the ter'angreal cache found in Ebou Dar, there is a man with a beard statue. The power of the item is to be like an easily movable library. [MY NOTE: We see this in AMoL.] This was Robert Jordan. Brandon then told the story of how he got his sword, with the dragon scabbard, while in Mr. Jordan's home in South Carolina, and meeting with Wilson. That sword appears in the book, and is the one which Rand gives to Tam in AMoL. So Brandon's sword is in the book, but not Brandon himself.

Q: [Side note: One person almost got himself lynched, but asking a somewhat spoilery question, regardless of what people had been instructed...] Some characters die in AMoL. How do you choose which characters to kill and which to keep alive.

A: [My note: Brandon tried to keep this out of spoilers and make it more general about writing and dealing with killing characters off in general.] In this book, Robert Jordan had left very specific instructions regarding the fates of some characters. He left a lot of notes, and some of those determined their fate. In general, characters have to be allowed to take risks in order to create a compelling story. There has to be a real danger for them, or the characters fall flat. Sometimes, that means characters are going to die. (Brandon added a nice bit that made the crowd laugh regarding not just saying, "Which character can I kill off that will really piss everyone off and which no one expects?")

Q: We know the Aes Sedai don't use a lot of the ter'angreal they have in their possession in the manner in which they are meant to be used. Specifically, what are the correct uses for the ter'angreal used to raise a novice to Accepted and an Accepted to Aes Sedai?

A: I have no idea.

Q: Who was the Aiel woman that Aviendha met on her trip to Rhuidean?

A: Nakomi. Also, RAFO, there's a hint in AMoL. (Later in the evening, he said that hint can be found between the chapter The Last Battle and the end of the book. He also said she came from deep in RJ's notes, and he did not feel like he could give more information than that. Also, she might be explained in the encyclopedia, but no promises regarding that.)

Q: How much was already completed when you took over the series?

A: Brandon referred to what Tom Doherty had previously said on the issue. He said there was about 200 pages when he took over. Also, the epilogue in AMoL was almost entirely written by Jordan with Brandon trying to bring everything else to that point.

Q: How was the Old Tongue created?

A: Harriet: Jim had books on almost every language in the world in his study. He drew inspiration from those. Maria: A lot of it comes from those and at the same time a lot was just his own creativity in adapting that into this world which he has created.

Q: In a charity drive, a lot of people were chosen to have their names inserted into AMoL, specifically we were told a large group would consist of these people. Who are they in the book?

A: The Dragonsworn. Aes Sedai have joined this group, and many others. That's where they were added.

Q: Harriet: How did you choose Brandon to finish this series?

A: A friend had provided the eulogy which Brandon wrote for Robert Jordan on his website, and it was moving. So Harriet called Tom Doherty, and asked for one of Brandon's books. He sent her the first Mistborn book. She then told how she can't stop reading a book, can't fall asleep if she starts, if she doesn't know yet if those characters are "in good hands". After 47 pages, she fell asleep, not because she was bored, but because she knew the Brandon's characters were in good hands. She called Tom Doherty and told him this was man to finish The Wheel of Time.

Q: Who opened Cadsuane's box? (Jokingly) Is it intuitively obvious?
A: It's not intuitively obvious who opened the box.  The weaves were removed from the box so that the person who opened the box could open it.

Q: Where was Roedran after the Field of Merrilor
A: (Consternation on his face) He was goofing off somewhere.
Q: And his army? They didn't do anything of note, eh?
A: Right

Q: Where did the idea of zombies come from?
A: You mean Hinderstap?

Q: Inaudible

A: Yes you mean Hinsderstap.  It came out of working with bubbles of evil and Harriet saying to me, at one point, the book's not creepy enough.  She told me to go read the scene with the dead rat (EotW), she said get me some more creepy. Things are supposed to be getting worse and worse.

H: Inaudible.

Q: As a fan of the series, what was your reaction when you were first asked to write this?

A: Omitted (answered before)

Q: Has working on another author's books influence your own writing?

A: (Yes. RJ's strengths influenced Sanderson's, such as foreshadowing and using a ton of characters)

Q: Are you going to do any more prequel books for the Wheel of Time?

H: No.

B: Easy answer

Q: How does it feel to be done?

A: (Sad and satisfied)

Q: How old were you when you decided to start writing?

A: (16, right after starting to read WoT)

Q: What was your least favorite part of the entire process

A: (Extensive revision process is extensive; also keeping track of side characters and getting their voices right is tough)

Q: Will there be an "ask me anything"?
A: (Yes, there will be a spoiler Q&A once people have had enough time to read the book)

Q: (Was it different writing for a series that has already been mapped out)

A: (Not really, because he normally maps out his books anyway)

Q: Has it gotten any easier to dig through RJ's very personalized and maddeningly genius organizational system?

A: You'd actually have to ask that of Maria and Alan since they are the ones that dig through it.  I gave up on that after about two months into the first book.

Q: Newer fantasy authors that he would recommend

A: (Omitted, so I can avoid looking up spelling of the author names)

Q: (To Harriet) Now that the series is done, how does it feel and what will you do now

A: I feel very satisfied that it's complete; very sad that it is another occasion for me to say 'goodbye' to Robert Jordan. The last five years have been a series of one goodbye after another, and none of them were easy. (omitted with some discussion about the encyclopedia, which she noted was due by contract in 2008; hopefully out in 2014)

Q: (Stormlight progress question)

A: (Stormlight 2 will hopefully be out in Fall 2013, but if not then in Spring 2014)

Q: Which character will you miss writing the most.

A: That's a good question. Most people ask me what my favorite character is and that's Perrin; it always has been Perrin.  I'm actually going to say Mat because Mat was one of the ones I struggled with to get right, and Mat, for me, was an evolution from Gathering Storm to Towers of Midnight and then finally this book when I feel like I finally got him, like I really understood him.  In this one, I finally got down the mix of incorrigible silliness and complete awesomeness.  (remainder omitted)

Q:  (To Harriet) Best or most important memory through the books?

A: (She really liked the first section of tEotW and made Tom Doherty read it)

Q: Can you still read the books and appreciate them after The Wheel of Time being your job for so long.

A: (I still read Jim's books and enjoy them. I don't normally re-read my own books after they're done except to look up things for sequels)

Q: (Presumably about the notes) Was there anything in there that surprised you.

A: There are two things that stand out that are moments when I was looking through the notes that I was like "oh" (surprised-curious sound) and there was one that I was like "oh no" (dread)

The two that I was like "oh" were in tGS when Egwene gets a special visitor and colors of dresses were mentioned.  That one was one of the scenes that Robert Jordan had complete. I had to write into it and write out of it but the important parts that you're thinking of were done by him.  The second scene was in another section that he had complete where, at the end of ToM, someone you hadn't seen in a while and someone else have a romantic moment together and that surprised me.  I was not one that was expecting that, it was well foreshadowed though and I actually went to Team Jordan and was like "This? What?" and they were like "No it's in there. look at this and look at this; look at all the foreshadowing" and I just completely missed it. Those two were the surprising moments for me.

The kind of "oh no" moment was when he didn't actually write the scene (omitted) in tGS, there is a scene where a certain member of the Forsaken gets spanked and Robert Jordan wrote "This happens, and she gets spanked."  And I was like "I'm not going to write this; I've never written a spanking scene." (remainder omitted)

Q: The female characters from your books are strong and independent women, what is behind that?

A: (His mom and strong female fantasy authors. Though he noted he was disappointed with his female characters in Elantis)  (long discussion about the virtue of avoiding creating stereotypical character roles (e.g. female love interest, wise old man, etc) and instead create characters.  Praised RJ for avoiding the former)

Q: (To Harriet) How do you feel about the graphic novel process?

A: (The artists do great work, but the they don't do well at keeping schedules)

Q: What's your favorite part of the creative process?

A: (The ending sequence)

Q: What comes first, the magic system or the world, and do you have any influences for your magic systems?

A: (Usually an intertwined process)

Q: (Question about the outrigger)

A: (Couldn't answer directly because of a spoiler)(reaffirmed they will not be writing outriggers)

Q: (To Harriet) How many books did you edit for Jim before it turned romantic?

A: (Just one)


А, все, врубился) Тогда интересно как он узнал, что это не Кадсуане


Цитата: Вернад от 11 января 2013, 10:30
А, все, врубился) Тогда интересно как он узнал, что это не Кадсуане
Он очень наблюдательный немолодой человек)


Цитата: Inkor от 11 января 2013, 11:53Кстати появились, кое-какие интервью.
вот такое издевательство доводит медленно но верно до белого каления. Просили же уже- неоднократно!- давать английские тексты с переводом или, хотя бы пересказом.


chitatel, там ничего особенно интересного.
По прикидкам Брэндона в цикле около 2800 поименованных персонажей.

Характер Андрола Брэндон писал с особой тщательностью, хотя схему всех его основных действий задал Джордан.

"Персонажа",  который бы олицетворял непосредственно Сандерсона - как тер'ангриал-толстячок, намекающий на Джордана, - в книге нет. Есть только меч с драконами, который ему подарили в доме Джордана и который в книге Ранд подарил Тэму.

Персонажи, которые должны были умереть, взяты из записок Джордана.

На начало работы Брэндона над циклом было завершено около двухсот страниц, в том числе финал.

Хиндерстапские зомби появились с подачи Харриэт.

Ничего больше к "Колесу времени" Сандерсон дописывать не собирается.

Когда он читал записи Джордана, больше всего Сандерсона удивили сцены с "Какого цвета платье на мне" и "Когда это они успели [влюбиться]".

К Харриэт: "Сколько книг вы отредактировали для Джима [РД], прежде чем между вами начались романтические отношения?"


с зомбаками то задумка не Брендона была,раз уж Харриэт это придумала,то надо понимать что она и одобрила.Так что получается зря некоторые бочки на Сандерсона катили

Шарин Налхара

Цитата: Kendzo от 11 января 2013, 11:48
с зомбаками то задумка не Брендона была,раз уж Харриэт это придумала,то надо понимать что она и одобрила.Так что получается зря некоторые бочки на Сандерсона катили
Это не спойлер :)
Зомбаки, судя по интервью, были придумкой Брэндона - с подачи Харриэт, которая требовала добавить в книгу немного триллера и просила Брэндона перечитать за образец минимума требуемого сцену с мертвыми крысами в ОМ.
Шарин Налхара
Мать Матчасти
Леди Косы и Сковородки
Богиня, вампир, гном, охотник, принц Хаоса, пират, бабуля и Мистер Пушистиус.
Колдунья из Кварта
Янеубивашка (с)


Цитата: Санта Хрякус от 10 января 2013, 23:36Зато у Ранда какая-то другая сила, от одной мысли трубки зажигаются, что он сможет с вражеской армией сделать с помощью мысли
У Ранда четвертая сила - напрямую от Создателя


Цитата: tanis от 11 января 2013, 12:01
У Ранда четвертая сила - напрямую от Создателя
Это ваше мнение или так в книге было написано?


Цитата: Шарин Налхара от 11 января 2013, 13:16Это не спойлер
да я в курсе,просто в этой теме уже по привычке:)Но не суть,имха получилось вполне достойно.
а есть подробности как Том замочил ту ЧА?;)не то что бы я в нем сомневался(к тому же он скорее всего стражем уже стал),просто интересно


Может Том валил как раз Кадсуане, и был неприятно удивлён когда выяснилось что это оказалась совершенно посторонняя женщина  :)


Цитата: warmage от 11 января 2013, 14:01Может Том валил как раз Кадсуане, и был неприятно удивлён когда выяснилось что это оказалась совершенно посторонняя женщина
это вряд ли, если бы Том валил всех направо и налево без особых причин, то был бы не Менестрелем а психопатом и давно был бы убит.


Цитата: Kendzo от 11 января 2013, 12:21
а есть подробности как Том замочил ту ЧА?;)не то что бы я в нем сомневался(к тому же он скорее всего стражем уже стал),просто интересно
Он охранял вход в Каверну, пока Ранд с Морейн и Найнив там были. А ЧА шесть раз пытались туда проскочить под прикрытием (видимо, боялись направлять - из-за близости Тёмного или из-за того, что женщины внутри могли их засечь и предупредить Ранда). Том их пропускал, делая вид, что поверил их маскировке, а потом всаживал нож в спину.


прям лемминги :2funny:,жесть


Цитата: tanis от 11 января 2013, 12:01
У Ранда четвертая сила - напрямую от Создателя
Вообще-то, Единая Сила позиционируется как Сила Творца. В КВ представлено только ДВЕ Силы как таковые - Единая и Истинная. Поэтому о какой ЧЕТВЕРТОЙ Силе речь - непонятно.
" - Да, братан Горацио, типа, есть на свете вещи, в которых не шарят наши муд...рецы, блин!", - тихо произнес Ранд глядя на стену коридора, на нацарапанную, вероятно копытом, кровавую надпись "Здесь была Бела!". Теперь он знал, что случилось с Асмодианом...